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a man needs tools

18 Nov

This should not be a surprise.  Guys have a knack for acquiring as many gadgets as possible for almost any task they could ever be asked to tend to.   Often the rationale for procuring this stuff is littered with good intentions and the thought that our lifestyle will be significantly improved once we feel the (insert adjective) cold (insert noun) steel in our calloused hands.  Justification for adding another arrow to the quiver can be found in tasks ranging from yard work to branding our wieners (disclaimer:  Please reference image below).



seriously, how could we not buy this?!

Every trade requires specific instruments to properly do the job.  A carpenter needs a hammer.  A plumber a wrench.  Making sure these items are within reach at all times on the job is crucial to keeping these guys out of the weeds.  You get the idea.  Well, being a dad is no different!  And if you are anything like me when my wife and I started telling people we were expecting, there are going to be a lot of questions and things to keep track of that have the potential to catch you off guard.  This can be especially hazardous if done in the presence of your recently impregnated (and still uber-enthusiastic) partner.  You can’t recall how many weeks since conception?  Not sure when or where the next visit to the doctor is to take place?  Which legume does your baby most likely resemble in week 5?  May God have mercy on your soul.

But rest assured there is an easier way…there are tools for this!  You are going to be on the receiving end of much grief over the next 9 months so let’s not subject ourselves to unnecessary berating if at all possible.  As men of the 21st century let us turn to one of the few pure and unfaltering sources of good….the iPhone!  I have found that there are a plethora of pregnancy related iPhone applications that can be a real asset to us men.  Granted, you have to wade through all the frou-frou downloads with unnecessary imagery and menstrual calendars to get to those that are more man friendly.  In my opinion, one of the best pregnancy applications on the market right now is mPregnancy – For Men with Pregnant Women and happens to be made specifically for men with the intention of keeping us on the ball.  On top of providing trackers and notifications of important deadlines Mpregnancy also gives detailed descriptions of what each week brings in both baby and mother development.  Plus, they dumb it down for us and put it in terms that we can understand and relate to….such as a score board!

Just to be clear, by the time you reach red your team will always be down

Also, in case you were sick of comparing the size of your baby to inanimate and worthless objects like coins and nuts, mPregnancy has provided some alternatives you might be able to better comprehend.


not really the first relationship that comes to mind when thinking of my unborn child but whatever works!

All in all, this is a solid application and one that I would recommend looking into.  It’s functional and informative but still maintains the man-ish charm we all need.  Plus, you won’t have to worry about someone noticing the silhouette of a protruding pregnant belly or other similarly awkward graphics plastered to your iPhone.  This one will cost you a few bucks but well worth the headaches you will save over the next nine months!  You can thank me later.

For those that have either just purchased it or have used mPregnancy in the past, let us know what you think!